The Covid-19 virus will change the way we interact with our patients.  This page will keep you updated to our procedures and processes as Covid-19 progresses. Below you will find what you need to know about M-Power's plan for your next office visit and how M-Power will protect everyone from patients to staff members. 

March 11, 2021

We are celebrating with all Texans that covid vaccines are up and hospitalizations are down. However, our customers are part of a very vulnerable demographic. To continue to best protect them (and our team) we will continue to require masks to be worn in our office. We look forward to serving you.

January 13, 2021

Due to COVID-19 contact tracing, some M-Power employee's may have interacted with someone with COVID-19.  With an abundance of caution, we are temporarily closing our office Wednesday, January 13, 2021, and will reopen Monday, January 18, 2021.  While closed, employees are being tested and our building will be sanitized and made ready for reopening. 

We are following CDC and Texas Department of State Health Services guidelines set forth in communications with each. 

We will follow up here when we have more information. 

Stay Safe

Amy Mehary



November 23, 2020

This is an update to M-Power Prosthetics & Orthotics' COVID-19 procedures:

M-Power Prosthetics & Orthotics office mask policy has changed. Gaiter, Neckerchief, and Valve type face coverings are not approved masks when inside M-Power Prosthetics & Orthotics place of business. If you need an approved mask type we can provide you one at no cost. 

Gaiter or Balaclava type masks not permitted







   Neckerchief or Scarf type masks are not permitted. 






   Masks with Valves are not permitted. 




If you need a mask one will be provided. 


June 19, 2020

Dallas County now requires all persons entering a business is to wear a mask.

Beginning today June 19, 2020, a mask that covers both nose and mouth will be required when working, visiting, or attending with a patient at the offices of M-Power Prosthetics and Orthotics. 


Masks, we will wear them. You will too.



If you need a mask one will be provided for you.


June 4, 2020

Important information about a visit with M-Power Prosthetics and Orthotics office in Dallas, Texas.

We have been open providing Prosthetic and Orthotic care during the past 2 1/2 months as an essential service. With a smaller on-site staff and staggered appointment times that allow for no waiting in common areas or exam rooms.  We feel it provides for a safer space. Below you will find what M-Power is doing to protect you and our staff as to COVID-19.
Call us for an appointment at 214 265 5060



Before and after your appointment we sanitize and disinfect all surfaces. 



When making your appointment you will be screened with health questions concerning COVID-19.  On arrival, you will be screened again. 



If you require a family member, friend, or attendant to assist you for your appointment we ask you to limit that to 1 person. 



Masks, we will wear them. You will too.




If you need a mask one will be provided for you.



A 20-second hand wash on the way to your exam room is available. 




Telephone and Video consultations are available.


March 20, 2020

A message from Amy Mehary, Managing Partner of M-Power Prosthetics and Orthotics.

With new rules and restrictions in place for persons of Dallas, Texas as to COVID-19,  and to protect our clients and staff at our facility we will reduce our staff to 1 administrator, at the most 2 clinicians, and 1 person in the lab. As apparent in past posts to this  COVID-19 page, this is a rapidly changing situation.

Your next office visit what to expect:
Our staff will continue to disinfect every hard touch service, such as door handles, countertops, chairs, exam tables, and restrooms at the start of the day and after every client visit. We will stagger the appointments so that each patient will not have to wait in the lobby and we ask that clients not bring anyone other than 1 person to assist them if needed for the appointment. If you are feeling ill, have a temperature or a cough. STAY AT HOME this applies to our employees as well. 

Below you can read our previous posts to this COVID-19 page.

Introducing E visit with M-POWER:
Starting Monday, March 23, 2020, M-Power will offer a way for you to visit your clinician face to face via the internet. This type of appointment can be created by first sending an email to include your name and contact phone number. We will then contact you to set up an internet visit.

If you have any questions please call at 214 265 5060 and stay updated on this COVID-19 webpage.

Best Regards, 

March 16, 2020

This is an update to M-Power Prosthetics & Orthotics' COVID-19 procedures:

How will Covid affect your visit to M-Power

For our patients:

Effective Immediately, we are requesting that patients ONLY bring someone to our office if it is a necessary CAREGIVER.  We are trying to minimize exposure within our office and will not host non-essential persons at this time.

Once you arrive at our office, we will minimize your wait-time in our reception area and escort you directly to a patient room.  These rooms will be properly sanitized/disinfected after each patient.  

Our clinic staff will be reviewing schedules daily and calling patients in-advance of the next scheduled appointments, to confirm you have no risk factors.  Should you have any concerns, please discuss this with them at the time of confirmation call.

We also ask that you practice good hygiene, including:

  • If you are coughing, sneezing or have a fever- please stay home- call to reschedule your visit. (We are asking the same of our staff members.)

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth with unwashed hands

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

  • Avoid sharing food and beverages when symptoms are present

  • Clean & disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces


Rapidly changing events surrounding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) may necessitate that M-Power close temporarily to prevent the spread of the disease.  In the event of a temporary closure, we will notify patients immediately with detailed information. In the meantime, M-Power is open and will continue to maintain and increase the  frequency and extent of our cleaning regimens including, but not limited to:

  • Staff and Patients wash hands throughout the day, including before and after patient care episodes

  • Staff disinfects tables, bathrooms, door knobs, and other high-use areas throughout the day

  • Surfaces are disinfected nightly



March 13, 2020

In an email to staff members managing partner of M-Power Prosthetics and Orthotics Amy Mehary today stressed that they should Plan instead of Panic as to the COVID-19 Virus.  Below is her instructions to the M-Power Staff:

M-Power will continue to monitor CDC and local health organization's recommendations. 

DO NOT COME TO WORK IF YOU ARE SICK. If you have a fever, shortness of breath, or any flu-like symptoms, seek medical care. 

In the workplace the M-Power Staff will:
-be diligent about wearing single-use Personal Protection Equipment when appropriate.
-Wipe down /disinfect surfaces in patient rooms after every patient care encounter
-Wash your hands (hourly at minimum).

The Admin Staff is to advise our clients to not come in if they are sick and have any symptoms listed above.

The M-Power staff will start the day cleaning and disinfecting bathrooms, door handles, high touch hard surfaces and the M-Power team will continue to clean throughout the day as needed.

This is a dynamic situation, please feel free to bring any concerns, suggestions or ideas to the table. We want to manage this safely and offer peace of mind to you and your families.

Thank You

Amy Mehary