M-Power Announces 10th Year of Operations, Launches New Website

DALLAS, TX (Jun 25, 2015) - M-Power Prosthetics (M-Power), DFW Metroplex’s leader for customized orthotics and prosthetics, today announces the tenth anniversary year of the company’s founding, and the launch of a new corporate website in support of its growing Texas presence.
M-Power was founded 2005 by Founding Partner Amy Mehary, CP/LP, FAAOP and Coordinator/ Partner Chris Mehary. The co-founders had advanced the recognition that customized orthotics and prosthetic devices profoundly impacts the day-to-day lives of lower limb amputees and individuals with complicated foot and ankle challenges. Amy and her team have made advances in the design of customized devices to M-Power each of their patients to “Find Their Independence.”
Starting out as a “boutique” orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) provider, M-Power has since expanded its offerings to include a complete range of products and services to help their patients improve quality of life either through restoring function, facilitating healing and/or preventing further injury.
The M-Power team has grown to include some of the region’s finest orthotic and prosthetic practitioners. To ensure each patient receives a solution tailored to their specific medical and lifestyle needs M-Power employs a Patient-centered care support approach starting with a thorough evaluation, casting of the effected limb, fitting of the newly designed device and on-going follow up care.
“M-Power is proud of its ten-year track record of continued growth and exceptional patient care while delivering our uniquely designed O&P solutions,” said Mehary. “At the same time, we are forward-focused on this next decade and have significant plans to grow and deliver substantial additional innovation and value to our patients.”
In celebration of embarking on its second decade of business, M-Power has unveiled a new corporate website (www.Mpowerprosthetics.com) that reflects the company’s future strategic direction, mission, and goals. Included in the new website is a wealth of information for both amputees and individuals with lower extremity disorders. The website will also include significant information designed to assist medical and therapeutic professionals including an OTS Orthotic Finder, a Research Center, Continuing Education Center, a Physician Document Resource along with Medical Necessity and Outcome Measures documentation.
As a way of thanking all of the medical professionals, therapists and patients that have supported M-Power over the years, M-Power will also be executing several promotional and informational initiatives throughout the year in support of the tenth anniversary.
“M-Power has surpassed my initial vision for the company since 2005. Notably is the recognition our staff and practitioners have received for their work and understanding of our patients,” said Mehary.
Today members of the M-Power team serve on the board of The Texas Association of Orthotists & Prosthetists (T.A.O.P.) as well as working in support of numerous patient support organizations throughout the Metroplex.
About M-Power Prosthetics
M-Power Prosthetics provides customized orthotics and prosthetics for lower limb amputees and individuals with complicated foot and ankle challenges.
Headquartered in Dallas, TX USA, M-Power is centrally located near Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and Medical City Dallas Hospital, we see patients throughout the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex. The M-Power patient care facility is accredited by The American Board for Certification (ABC) and the Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics.