July 2016 E-Mail Newletter

We are celebrating our 10th year helping lower limb amputees and individuals with complicated foot and ankle challenges "Find Their Independence."
We have become known for our personalized care and advancing customized orthotics and prosthetic devices that profoundly impact YOUR day-to-day life.M-Power's orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) team sets itself apart by providing the individualized care expected by our patients. Our focus is to work with your doctors and physical therapists to help implement individualized patient care and rehabilitation plans.

Friendly Faces of M Power
Steven Molina, CPO/L, is the newest member of the M Power team!
Four fun facts about Steve...
1) Steve's hobbies include golf, watching movies, working on cars, and dominating his fantasy football league!
2) Big fan of ALL Dallas sports teams, especially the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers.
3) Enjoys cooking but can't follow a recipe to save his life. Must always deviate from the recipe to make it his own.
4) First met and worked with Amy Mehary in 2001. Amy had recently relocated to Dallas and Steve was a volunteer who worked on Fridays and Saturdays.

Send a letter to your Members of Congress to express your support of H.R. 1530/S.829 and H.R. 1526
An important new study conducted by Dr. Allen Dobson, health economist and former director of the Office of Research at CMS (then called the Health Care Financing Administration) shows that the Medicare program pays higher total health costs over the long-term when Medicare patients are not provided with prosthetic lower limbs, spinal orthotics, and hip/knee/ankle orthotics.
Please write to your Members of Congress to urge them to learn more about how Medicare can save money by providing high-quality care, and to endorse as a co-sponsor pending legislation H.R.1530/S.829 and H.R. 1526. CLICK HERE TO SEND YOUR LETTER

#MPowerOnTheRoad - in Ohio!

Steve, Chad and Amy went to Willow Wood for training on July 11-13, 2016.
Ironically, it was Chad DeAtley's first time at a Texas Roadhouse Restaurant!

Calendar of Events
8/11/16 Walnut Place
Prosthetic Overview
8/16/16 Promise Hospital of Dallas
Lower Extremity Orthotics: Part One
8/25/16 Walnut Place
8/23/16 Methodist Rehab Hospital
Prosthetic Overview
8/30/16 Promise Hospital of Dallas
Prosthetic Overview
9/1/16 Methodist Hospital DeSoto
Prosthetic Overview
9/8/16 The Villa at Mountain View
Prosthetic Overview
9/15/16 The Villa at Mountain View
Lower Extremity Orthotics: Part One
11/3/16 Walnut Place
Transtibial Prosthetics
11/17/16 Walnut Place
Lower Extremity Orthotics: Part Two
Need to schedule your course series? Contact us.

Prosthetics & Orthotics for Therapists™
The purpose of our Prosthetics and Orthotics for Therapists™continuing education course series is to provide continuing education credits for therapists in Texas by presenting courses on various aspects of upper and lower extremity prostheses and orthoses.
Cost Effective.
There is no cost. You can't get more cost effective than that!
Need to schedule your series?
Call the office at (214) 265-5060
Prosthetic Series
(Courses are taught in the following order)
1. Prosthetic Overview
2. Transtibial Prosthetics
3. Transfemoral Prosthetics
4. Prosthetics & Dermatology
(and more!)
Orthotic Series
(Courses are taught in the following order)
1. Lower Extremity Orthotics Overview: Part One
2. Lower Extremity Orthotics Overview: Part Two
3. Upper Extremity Orthotics: An Overview
4. Spinal Orthotics: An Overview
(and more!)
(and more!)
Schedule your series today!

3D Printed Orthosis - for a Penguin named "Purps"!